West Nairobi School utilizes Second Step and Yale University’s RULER approach when implementing Social-emotional learning on our campus.
Below are a few bullet points highlighting what Social-emotional learning (SEL) is and how it helps our students.
Social-emotional learning (SEL) Helps Students:
- Understand and manage their emotions
- Set and achieve positive goals
- Feel and show empathy for others
- Establish and maintain positive relationships
- Make responsible decisions
Social-emotional learning (SEL) Programs Prevent:
- Problem behaviors
- Antisocial behaviors
- Peer rejection
- Impulsivity
- Low academic achievement
Social-emotional learning (SEL) Programs Promote:
- School success
- School connectedness
- A safe and respectful school climate
Students Learn:
- How to grow their brains and get smarter
- Research-based strategies for setting and achieving goals and handling difficult situations
- To identify their personal values
- How to use those values to make good decisions and build strong, positive relationships
- The positive role emotions play in their lives
- How to handle unhelpful thoughts and strong emotions
- Specific strategies for calming down
- How to identify and avoid serious conflicts
- How to resolve conflicts that can’t be avoided and think about other people’s perspectives
- How to help stop bullying and harassment at school