Teaching Truth
Know God | Biblical Thinker | Christ Follower | Image Bearer
Training Minds
Effective Communicator | Critical Thinker | Active Learner
Impacting the Kingdom
Genuine Server | Responsible Citizen | Respectful Ambassador
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
~ John 14:6
The line starts as an upward arrow. Pointing, even as a number 1, reaching high into the space. Our first aim is teaching truth, specifically Biblical Truth. These Truths are found in God’s Word and in His World. We want to start there and so the line begins pointing upward.
The final aspect of the line, the open arrow suggests that Impacting the Kingdom is the destination. The line stretches forward, for our Impact should be beyond us. It exceeds ourselves and reaches to another. We aim to reach outwards to the world. The arrow remains open. It gives direction, but the destination is not contained. The Lord knows his plans for his Kingdom and for us. The outward-reaching open arrow invites us to take what we’ve learned and offer it to the world.
The line, changing direction, moves downward, with a twist, like a knot, maybe even the curves of the lines in our brains. In teaching Truth, we also train minds. Like the twist, it is complex. There is critical thinking and problem-solving. Discipline and rigor and academic pursuits and beauty happen all together within this training. It is connected and collaborative. It is a layered, overlapping process and the line loops and continues because training minds is for a purpose.